Charles Gutjahr

Melbourne, Australia

Clear and unequivocal

4 Mar 2021 — a 1 minute read on opinion

Christian Porter has denied rape allegations against him, and we must presume him innocent. I agree with his argument that MPs shouldn't lose their job simply due to an allegation.

Porter should still lose his job though.

When 4 Corners reported on sexual misconduct in Parliament last year I wanted Christian Porter to be sympathetic and acknowledge the problems, but instead he was combative and threatened to sue. It felt like he just doesn't get it! As Attorney-General of Australia he should be leading the fight against serious crime by clearly and unequivocally denouncing such behaviour, yet his response has been lukewarm. I worry that leaders like him embolden perpetrators in wider society by letting this slide. Christian Porter should lose his job not because of any alleged crime, but because of his failure to take seriously such a serious problem.

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