Charles Gutjahr

Melbourne, Australia

I want a news bubble

10 Nov 2019 — a 1 minute read on opinion

Yesterday the Sydney Morning Herald chose to run celebrity news on their front cover when they should have featured the devastating NSW bushfires. I don't mind that newspapers cover celebrities or sport or schmaltz but that's for other people... I want only news from a newspaper, not 'content'.

Editors made that choice, but increasingly algorithms are making choices about what we see. Yet I don't know of any algorithm that gives me just news and rejects the inconsequential stuff.

Algorithms have a filter bubble problem where people aren't exposed to other viewpoints so their ideologies become more extreme. What I want is an algorithm that gives me a full range of viewpoints but excludes the things that are a waste of my time. I feel like neither editors nor algorithms are giving me what I want: the news that matters.

© 2024 Charles Gutjahr