Charles Gutjahr

Melbourne, Australia

March 2019

Photo of Charles Gutjahr

Charles Gutjahr

Melbourne Airport
There aren’t actually 10 books here... just three: two barefoot investors, something about not giving a f*ck, and how turning Japanese will make you happy.
There aren’t actually 10 books here... just three: two barefoot investors, something about not giving a f*ck, and how turning Japanese will make you happy.
Photo of Charles Gutjahr

Charles Gutjahr

A short opinion

Don't egg them on

Fraser Anning contributes nothing good to our country. He perpetuates xenophobic lies then acts like he is some victim of society, which is bullshit.

So that's why I'm disappointed a kid hit Anning with an egg this week. Not because Anning doesn't deserve it, but because it gives a tiny sliver of truth to his contrived victimhood. Anning's egging is nothing compared to what the victims of his words have suffered but it plays into a narrative that the right-wing extremists of our country want to perpetuate. They want to be seen as victims, and this kid gave them that opportunity.

So I reckon the egging did all of us a disservice and contributed just a tiny bit to the rise of extreme right-wing ideology in Australia. Don't egg them on.

Photo of Charles Gutjahr

Charles Gutjahr

The Lomond Hotel
Great night out with cousin Matt and his band Shanty Town!
Photo of Charles Gutjahr

Charles Gutjahr

A short opinion

The opinion that I self-censored

I have been enjoying writing a short opinion each week. It can get some friendly debate going and helps me think more deeply about the assumptions I carry around in life.

But this weekend I wrote an opinion then decided to censor myself. So instead you're getting this paragraph. Why? Because it was about another country. My opinion on that country isn't unusual and should not be controversial, but it is a country which punishes people who call attention to problems rather than deal with the problem itself. At best I would add only a tiny voice to the cacophony who already say what I would, at worst I could be refused a visa and never be able to visit again. So self-interest wins, I say nothing.

That makes me appreciate Australia even more. We have our problems here and I like to complain about them, but I'm never scared of expressing an opinion about Australia.

© 2024 Charles Gutjahr